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Currency | Buy | Sell | |
USD | 21,480 | 21,861 | |
THB | 621.97 | 634.4 | |
EUR | 22,359 | 22,806 | |
GBP | 27,012 | 27,552 | |
AUD | 13,383 | 13,784 | |
CAD | 13,725 | 14,004 | |
JPY | 137.72 | 140.47 | |
CHF | 21,528 | 21,958 | |
CNY | 2,879 | 2,936 | |
SGD | 14,656 | 14,949 | |
Date : 2025-01-02 | More Detail... |
Current price | 6,250 |
Previous day | 5,750 |
Opening | 5,850 |
Change | 500 |
Change (%) | 8.7 |
High | 6,250 |
Low | 5,850 |
Trading Volume (shr) | 301,500 |
Trading Value (LAK) | 1,823,605,000 |
Date : 2025-01-02 14:43:14 | More Detail... |
LAK | USD | THB | CNY | |
Current Deposit Account | - | - | - | - |
Saving Deposit Account | 1.60% | 1.00% | 0.55% | 0.20% |
Fixed Deposit Account 3 months | 3.16% | 1.50% | 1.10% | 1.00% |
Fixed Deposit Account 6 months | 3.95% | 2.25% | 1.85% | 1.10% |
Fixed Deposit Account 9 months | 4.77% | 2.75% | 2.35% | 1.20% |
Fixed Deposit Account 12 months | 5.59% | 3.25% | 2.85% | 1.30% |
Fixed Deposit Account 15 months | 5.87% | 3.78% | 3.10% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 18 months | 6.15% | 4.15% | 3.35% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 21 months | 6.43% | 4.53% | 3.60% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 24 months | 6.71% | 4.90% | 3.85% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 30 months | 6.74% | 5.40% | 4.60% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 36 months | 6.77% | 5.90% | 5.35% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 42 months | 6.80% | 6.03% | 5.48% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 48 months | 6.83% | 6.15% | 5.60% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 54 months | 6.87% | 6.40% | 5.85% | - |
Fixed Deposit Account 60 months | 6.90% | 6.65% | 6.10% | - |
Issued Date : 2021-10-18 | More Detail... |
LAK | USD | THB | |
A Short Term AAA (Not over 12 months) | 8.95% | 9.44% | 7.74% |
A Short Term AA (Not over 12 months) | 9.45% | 9.94% | 8.24% |
A Short Term A (Not over 12 months) | 9.95% | 10.44% | 8.74% |
A Medium Term AAA (between 12 โ 60 months) | 9.45% | 9.94% | 8.24% |
A Medium Term AA (between 12 โ 60 months) | 9.95% | 10.44% | 8.74% |
A Medium Term A (between 12 โ 60 months) | 10.45% | 10.94% | 9.24% |
A Long Term AAA (Over 60 months) | 9.95% | 10.44% | 8.74% |
A Long Term AA (Over 60 months) | 10.45% | 10.94% | 9.24% |
A Long Term A (Over 60 months) | 10.95% | 11.44% | 9.74% |
Issued Date : 2025-01-02, Interest rate per annum | More Detail... |